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7 Wedding Topics that You Should Discuss with Your Parents before Wedding

7 Wedding Topics that You Should Discuss with Your Parents before Wedding — We know that getting married is one of the most important steps in a person's life. Deciding to get married also marks a new phase that is more mature and serious. But, as a person who has accompanied you from childhood to adulthood, wedding is also a big moment for your parents. They may feel lost or heavy releasing their beloved child, but on the one hand, they are happy because they can consider your future husband as their child. They may also feel they have a responsibility to celebrate your wedding in a certain way or even free you in choosing the concept of dream wedding.

Wedding discussion with parents

To correct confusion and anxiety about your wedding plans, or even about your life after wedding, you should take the time to discuss with parents about the following:

Wedding discussions about your partner

Discussing your potential life partner is one of the important stages because every parent would want their child to have the best partner in a marriage. Even if your parents never show dislike or disapproval of your loved one, there is no harm in conveying confidence in your chosen candidate and explain various well things that you see in him.

That way your parents can better understand your decisions and ensure that you are not wronging in choosing a potential partner. If it is, you who still feel doubts about your prospective partner, maybe your parents can help in giving a new perspective about him or conveying their hearts about him.

Wedding discussions about wedding plans

Before making a decision about your wedding plans, parents usually hope you will consult with their first. Especially in a traditional family, where a wedding is not only the event of the bride and groom but also the event of the parents or even the whole extended family.

In the initial stages, just discuss the event description. For example, discussing the type of event, the estimated date, how large the scale of the event you want to hold, whether there are wedding traditions and rituals that you should attend, or whether you and your parents already have a shadow about the wedding venue you want.

You can share the things you want and don't want at the wedding later and see if your parents agree. Let's just say this is a brainstorming session, where all ideas must be accommodated before being reselected later. So don't immediately reject outright the ideas of your parents or impose their will on them. Give them time to process everything.

Wedding discussion about wedding budget

Before conducting this important discussion with your parents, you should first talk about the budget with your future husband. Determine the amount you will both contribute to the wedding budget and whether you still need help from both parents or not.

When it's time to discuss finances with parents, explain to them about your ideal wedding vision and how much money is needed to make it happen. Also tell them if you and your partner can cover all or part of the budget, as well as how the distribution of contributions from both families.

Prepare yourself if your parents cannot help financially and don't force them to give you some money. But if they are willing to help, then you also have to ask how involved they are in the wedding preparation process later or if they have certain expectations relating to this financial contribution.

Wedding discussion about expectations

The next topic is about expectations for this wedding, both from you and your parents. It's important to reach an agreement in advance about the things that are wanted and expected in the future, so as a family you must have a clear vision.

Discuss more about the type of your wedding celebration,

  • Will it take a traditional theme according to family custom or take a modern wedding theme?
  • Then talking about the scale of the event, will it only be a small and intimate event, or do your parents expected to invite hundreds of guests?

Can you hold a destination wedding out of town or country,

  • or do your parents want you to get married at home?

After discussing the details of wedding in more detail, also made sure you convey the expectations of your spouse and family to your parents. Not just a matter of the wedding day, you can also ask their expectations after you get married later. Like, are you expected to visit them every week or spend holidays with them? If there are conflicting desires, take this time to negotiate or compromise with each other before continuing the preparation process to the next stage.

Wedding discussion about responsibility

The wedding preparation process does require clear and efficient directors, so each party involved must understand and must not be negligent in carrying out what are his duties, responsibilities, and obligations. As a prospective bride, usually the thing that is your responsibility is around the concept and plan of the event, vendor selection, scheduling, and thinking of plan B as a backup.

It may also be that your parents give up to the task of booking hotels rooms for their guests or following certain rituals and wedding traditions. For your parents, discuss things they can do, such as whether they are obliged to hold an application for you or give a speech on the D-day later.

To help accompany and remind them. You can also ask the wedding organizer to make a separate and specific task list for parents.

Wedding discussions about life after weddings

Don't forget also to discuss your living arrangements after wedding later. Will you move and live with your partner? If so how do your parents feel about this? Some parents of the bride may feel sad or have difficulty facing the fact of having to part with their child. If that is the case, try to arrange a routine visit to their home.

There are also scenarios where you will continue to live with parents and your spouse will also be living in the residence, which is quite common in Asian culture. So, you have to talk about how the process of moving and space should be done, then if there are any rules that your husband must obey later.

Wedding discussions about questions about weddings

This can also be a good time to ask for their advice, or opinions about marriage and home life. If you still have doubts, problems, or confusion about the period of adaptation with your husband later, it is quite possible your parents can help provide solutions based on their experiences.

Who knows, they also have valuable insights about life that you can give to your children and grandchildren later! In addition to raising questions about marriage, you should also take the time to really strengthen relationships with parents before you enter a new phase with your beloved partner.

You can also plan an exciting activity with parents to release the burdens and fatigue that may be felt, not only by you but also by the parents, during the process of preparing for this marriage.

OK, the conclusion is always involve your parents in something very special like this. Let them be happy to see their children have a partner. And also don't forget to give pearl quotes for them on your wedding day. To read more about Wedding Quotes, please see here.

That's the 7 topics of marriage that you should discuss with your parents before wedding from Zuwaj. Keep trying and good luck.

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